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Moonriver (MOVR)


Moonriver, an Ethereum-compatible smart-contract parachain on Kusama, introduces its native utility token, MOVR, as an integral component of its ecosystem. This blog post delves into the key functionalities of MOVR, its role in supporting the Moonriver network, and the tokenomics that govern its supply.

Moonriver (MOVR) logo

MOVR's Core Functions:

MOVR plays a crucial role in ensuring the smooth operation of Moonriver by serving various essential functions:

Gas Metering for Smart Contract Execution:

MOVR is utilized to support the gas metering system, which measures and charges for the computational resources consumed during the execution of smart contracts. This ensures fair compensation for the network's resources.

Incentivizing Collators and Node Infrastructure:

The token serves as an incentive mechanism for collators, who play a vital role in securing the network by producing blocks. Additionally, MOVR powers the creation of a decentralized node infrastructure, contributing to the platform's robustness and reliability.

On-chain Governance Mechanism:

MOVR facilitates Moonriver's on-chain governance, enabling token holders to participate in key decision-making processes. This includes proposing referenda, electing council members, and voting on various network upgrades and changes.

Transaction Fee Payments:

Users on the Moonriver network pay transaction fees in MOVR, providing a native means of value transfer within the ecosystem.

Tokenomics Overview:

Moonriver's tokenomics are designed to ensure a sustainable and balanced ecosystem. Here are the key aspects:

Total Token Supply:

Upon the launch of the Moonriver Network, the total supply of MOVR will be capped at 10 million tokens. This limited supply adds scarcity to the token, potentially influencing its value.

Yearly Inflation Rate:

Moonriver incorporates a yearly inflation rate of 5%. This measured inflation is designed to balance the token's scarcity with the need for ongoing network development and incentivization.

Allocation Details:

For a detailed breakdown of the allocation of MOVR tokens, including distribution to various stakeholders, refer to the Moonbeam Foundation's official documentation here.


MOVR stands at the core of Moonriver's functionality, driving key aspects such as smart contract execution, network security, and governance. With a limited total supply, a controlled inflation rate, and a well-defined allocation strategy, the tokenomics of MOVR aim to foster a sustainable and thriving decentralized ecosystem on the Moonriver Network. As the platform evolves, MOVR continues to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of decentralized applications on Kusama.

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