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Streamr (DATA)


In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, Streamr (DATA) stands out as a groundbreaking open-source project that envisions a decentralized platform for real-time data exchange and monetization. Launched in 2017 through a successful crowdfunding campaign, Streamr aims to create an unstoppable data infrastructure that relies on cryptography and peer-to-peer (P2P) networks. This blog post delves into the key features, workings, and unique aspects of Streamr (DATA).

Streamr (DATA) logo

Streamr's Mission and Technology Stack:

At its core, Streamr strives to establish a new data economy by tokenizing the value of real-time information. The project embraces a scalable real-time messaging network, a marketplace for trading and selling data, and a suite of tools designed for working with real-time data. Unlike other blockchain projects, Streamr adopts an off-chain network approach, offering flexibility and scalability while minimizing the risk of bandwidth and scalability issues.

Decentralized Pub/Sub Network:

Streamr's decentralized publish/subscribe (pub/sub) network is the backbone of its real-time data infrastructure. Nodes worldwide support this network, earning DATA tokens in exchange for providing bandwidth and validating transactions. This P2P network allows for seamless and secure data exchange, making it suitable for decentralized applications (DApps), Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and more.

Broker Nodes and the Streamr Stack:

A crucial element in Streamr's architecture is the broker nodes, responsible for facilitating the publish/subscribe pattern within the network. These nodes play a key role in securing data streams by mining bounties through smart contracts. The Streamr Stack, consisting of smart contracts, the Streamr Editor, the Streamr Engine, the Data Market, and the Streamr Network, optimizes data transmission and ensures the platform's seamless operation.

DATA Token Utility:

The native cryptocurrency of the Streamr platform is the DATA token, an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain. DATA serves various purposes within the ecosystem, including acting as a reward mechanism for nodes, facilitating bids, and measuring reputation. Additionally, DATA tokens are essential for paying infrastructure costs related to data delivery and can be used as a payment method for data content on the Streamr marketplace.

Token Distribution and Supply:

Streamr conducted a successful crowdfunding campaign in 2017, resulting in a fixed supply of approximately 1,000,000,000 DATA tokens. The distribution includes allocations for crowdfunding participants, the founding team, the treasury, partners and consultants, and the Streamr community, emphasizing a balanced and strategic approach to token distribution.


Streamr (DATA) emerges as a pioneering project, redefining the landscape of real-time data exchange through decentralization and tokenization. Its innovative approach, supported by a robust technology stack and utility-driven token, positions Streamr at the forefront of the evolving data economy. As the project continues to unfold, it holds the promise of unlocking new possibilities for decentralized applications and data-driven innovation.

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