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Klaytn (KLAY)


In the rapidly evolving landscape of blockchain technology, Klaytn, developed by the renowned Korean IT company Kakao, has emerged as a global Layer 1 public blockchain. This blockchain is designed to usher in a new era of on-chain experiences, offering unparalleled transaction latency, enterprise-grade reliability, and a developer-friendly environment. Let's delve into the key features and components that make Klaytn a standout player in the blockchain ecosystem.

Klaytn  (KLAY) logo

Native Digital Asset - KLAY:

At the heart of the Klaytn protocol lies its native digital asset, KLAY. With 10 billion KLAY issued at Genesis and 3.2 billion currently in circulation, KLAY serves as the fuel that powers and secures the Klaytn network. The issuance of new KLAY occurs with every block, with 9.6 KLAY minted and distributed as block rewards. These rewards are allocated to the Klaytn Governance Council Reward (34%), Klaytn Growth Fund (54%), and Klaytn Improvement Reserve (12%).

1-Second Deterministic Finality:

One of Klaytn's standout features is its 1-second deterministic finality. Unlike traditional Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Stake blockchains with probabilistic finality, Klaytn's IBFT consensus algorithm guarantees that recorded data on the blockchain is correct and irreversible. This ensures the reliability and data consistency needed for mission-critical applications at scale.

Ethereum Equivalence:

Klaytn embraces Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) as a standard for the metaverse and Web3. Its technical stack mirrors Ethereum's, supporting EVM specifications. By building on existing Ethereum clients and interfacing libraries, Klaytn aligns itself with the Ethereum ecosystem. This includes enabling Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs) and Klaytn Improvement Proposals (KIPs) to contribute to the growth of both ecosystems.

Unique Governance Structure:

Central to Klaytn's decentralization approach is its Governance Council (GC). Comprising leading global enterprises and DAOs, the GC forms a compact validator network. This structure balances the benefits of a decentralized public blockchain with the performance of a permissioned blockchain. The roadmap includes further decentralization by onboarding more DAOs to create a "DAO of DAOs."

Built-in Scalability via Service Chains:

Klaytn adopts the hub-and-spoke model, a leading scalability solution. Service chains, or spokes, are customizable for specific DApp requirements, providing high throughput, custom node configurations, and security levels. Support for nested service chains contributes to exponential scalability, catering to mass adoption needs.

Preferred Enterprise-Level Blockchain:

Klaytn stands as the preferred blockchain for enterprises and enterprise-level use cases, with notable partners like Japan's GMO Internet Group, Indonesia's Salim Group, and gaming giants Netmarble and WeMade. Klaytn is also the official blockchain partner for the Bank of Korea's CBDC project, showcasing its capabilities in handling mission-critical applications.


As we navigate the evolving blockchain landscape, Klaytn's robust features, unique governance structure, and enterprise-level partnerships position it as a formidable player. From deterministic finality to Ethereum equivalence and built-in scalability, Klaytn is driving blockchain mass adoption across diverse use cases, making it a key player in the global Web 3.0 ecosystem.

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