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In 2017, the OAX Foundation embarked on a journey fueled by the belief that decentralized finance (DeFi) and digital assets would reshape the landscape of mainstream finance and commerce. Committed to fostering collaboration within the DeFi space, the foundation recognized the transformative potential of technology and sought to work alongside key players to explore and push the boundaries of decentralized finance. As the market matured, offering alternatives to traditional financial ecosystems, OAX Foundation identified four key shortcomings—speed, scalability, interoperability, and trust—and committed itself to addressing these challenges for the industry's success.

OAX  (OAX) logo

Foundation's Vision for Decentralized Finance:

OAX Foundation envisions a future where decentralized and digital assets seamlessly integrate into mainstream finance and commerce. The foundation's dedication to the collaborative nature of DeFi sets the stage for meaningful engagements with industry leaders, paving the way for innovation and progress.

Identifying Industry Shortcomings:

OAX Foundation recognized the importance of addressing four main challenges faced by the emerging DeFi space: speed, scalability, interoperability, and trust. These challenges, if left unattended, could hinder the industry's growth and adoption. The foundation undertook the responsibility to tackle these issues head-on.

Speed and Scalability:

In the dynamic world of finance, speed is of the essence. OAX Foundation acknowledges the need for swift transactions and scalable solutions to cater to the growing demands of the market. By focusing on technological advancements, the foundation aims to provide solutions that enhance transaction speed and scalability, making DeFi more efficient and accessible.


Interoperability is a cornerstone for the success of decentralized finance. OAX Foundation recognizes the importance of creating an ecosystem where different platforms and technologies seamlessly communicate and operate together. By addressing interoperability challenges, the foundation aims to create a more interconnected and efficient DeFi landscape.


Trust is paramount in any financial ecosystem. OAX Foundation places a strong emphasis on building trust within the DeFi space by implementing robust security measures, and transparent protocols, and fostering a collaborative community. Trust is the foundation upon which the future of DeFi will be built.

Supporting the DeFi Ecosystem:

From the early days of centralized and decentralized exchanges to the rise of Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and Security Token Offerings (STOs), OAX Foundation recognizes the need for pioneers to come together. The foundation strives to provide support through tools, technology, applications, and community engagement, empowering the DeFi ecosystem to overcome challenges collectively.


As the financial landscape continues to evolve, OAX Foundation stands at the forefront of driving innovation within decentralized finance. By addressing the industry's shortcomings and fostering collaboration, the foundation plays a crucial role in shaping a future where decentralized finance seamlessly integrates into mainstream financial systems, providing viable alternatives to traditional ecosystems. OAX Foundation's commitment to technology, collaboration, and community support signifies a promising path toward a more inclusive and efficient financial future.

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