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Cartesi (CTSI)


Decentralized applications (DApps) have revolutionized the way we interact with blockchain technology, but their development has been hindered by various limitations, such as shared computation and design constraints. Enter Cartesi (CTSI), a groundbreaking protocol that introduces a new era of possibilities for DApp developers.

Overcoming Computational Limitations:

Full CPU for Each DApp:

Unlike traditional platforms where DApps compete for processing power, Cartesi Rollups provide a unique solution. With Cartesi, each DApp enjoys a dedicated full CPU, eliminating competition and enabling developers to build more sophisticated and computationally intensive applications.

Rich Design Space:

Cartesi creates a boundless design space for developers, supporting decades of existing code libraries, programming languages, and open-source tooling. This opens up new avenues for innovation and allows developers to explore cutting-edge possibilities beyond the limitations of existing platforms.

The Cartesi Virtual Machine Advantage:

Full Suite of Open-Source Libraries:

The Cartesi Virtual Machine offers DApp developers access to a complete suite of open-source libraries, programming languages, and tools. This goes beyond the constraints of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), empowering developers to leverage familiar resources and enhance the functionality of their applications.

Fully-Fledged Operating System:

Cartesi goes a step further by enabling developers to boot a mature operating system within the Cartesi Virtual Machine. This functionality provides a level of versatility and familiarity that was previously unattainable, allowing developers to optimize specific DApp logic without the complexities of blockchain intricacies.

Flexible Rollup Solutions:

Layer Two, Layer Three, or Sovereign Rollups:

Cartesi Rollups offer a modular scaling solution, allowing deployment as Layer 2, Layer 3, or sovereign rollups. This flexibility ensures that developers can choose the most suitable scaling approach for their specific use case while maintaining strong security guarantees from the base layer.

Community-Driven Governance:

Staking for Governance Participation:

CTSI holders can actively participate in the Cartesi ecosystem by staking their tokens for governance. This community-driven approach ensures that key decisions are made collectively, fostering a sense of ownership and alignment among the Cartesi community.


Cartesi (CTSI) represents a paradigm shift in the world of decentralized applications, offering developers unprecedented flexibility, computational power, and access to a rich design space. By addressing the limitations of shared computation and introducing a fully-fledged operating system within the Cartesi Virtual Machine, Cartesi is paving the way for the next generation of DApps. With its innovative approach to rollups and community-driven governance, Cartesi is not just a protocol; it's a platform that empowers developers to turn their most ambitious ideas into reality. 

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